Thursday, May 22, 2008

Peyton & Gus

So we all have figured out that I'm horrible on updating this blog. Well, here are some newer pictures for ya'll to see! As of today, Ms. Peyton is 6weeks old. She LOVES to be outside and is getting more and more active by the minute. I know this sounds crazy, but she tries really hard to crawl and when I stick my hand under her feet she pushes off and makes it all the way across our bed! Its so much fun to watch her, I just lay there and laugh at her grunting and cooing! She also has taught herself to roll over. She is definately entertaining! You'll notice I added a picture of her frowning. Rich calls this the "Kelly Otto" frown. He swore she would come out with a frown and pigtails, and by-golly you could almost put her hair in pigtails and she definately has a frown. I can't wait for her to start talking! Me and Rich have a bet going that she will be walking by 9 months and her first words are going to be "puppy" or "monkey." Her favorite spot in the house is her changing table... I bought a $1 monkey at Walmart after Valentines day. It was intended for Lewis my dog, but I just thought it was so cute, so I kept it. Well, good thing I did. Peyton LOVES him. She lays there and punches and grabs at his nose while smiling the whole time. I find it so amusing! She is going to be very aggressive... must get that from her dad (wink, wink)

Mr. Gus- Well as you can see, he is growing like a weed. Becky texted me last Friday after his check-up and he was 18lbs and 28" long... AMAZING. He is going to be so tall. He is the cutest thing ever. He loves to push Peyton around all ready. We went over to Becky's sisters Sammy's house and had them both laying on the floor. Gus grabbed Peyton's shirt and rolled her over. I can't wait for them to get bigger and beat eachother up. I've already been preparing Peyton by having her watch fighting with Dad and Ultimate Fighter with Mom! :-) Its going to be intresting!!!!

Well, I'll try and update more later. Peyton gets weighed in on Friday so we will see how much she has grown. Her 6week weight check brought her at 8lbs 14oz. I bet she is at least 9 now!

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