Tuesday, October 23, 2007


OCTOBER 16ST, 2008
Beginning of week 13. Yippy. So what did I get for reaching 13weeks. PAIN, PAIN, PAIN. This wasnt pain like I had before. I have had cysts bursting for 5 years, I have had a 6"cyst removed from my left ovary, and the pain I was experiencing wasnt compariable to any of that. It was in my actual abdomen, then moved to my whole stomach down to my ovaries. I would sit, it would hurt, I would stand, I would have to sit just so I could breathe. To say the least, it was not normal, and I felt like I ate a box full of knives. So off to the Dr. I go....

Wednesday October 17th, 2008
I am informed that of the .15% of people I am lucky enough to have my uterus POP up from my pelvic area. Never heard of that before.. but whatever. I havent heard alot of the things they have been telling me over the years! The doc. also informs me that my corpus ludius cyst bursted.. Okay whatever. I'm just wondering about this damn uterus popping thing.

Doc. Informed me that because of my wonderful ovarian disease, I never experienced normal cycles, which there fore did not allow my uterus to stretch. When women are going through their menstrual cycles, and you experience that cramping, that is your uterus stretching to help shed. Well, I dont experience that wonderful cycle, in return I have a very small UTERUS. GREAT. So her parting words to me were. You are going to be in pain for a long time. NICE.

We were brought to the ultrasound room to check the ovaries, and gallbladder, and ultimately the baby.

It wasnt a piece of rice anymore. It was an actual baby. head, feet, hands, spine, toes, fingers, eyes, chin... I didnt see a butt chin so I was excited. Rich was disappointed. The only thing I ask for is NO BUT CHIN! :-) The baby was JUMPING like crazy, "trying" to do a somersault. It was crazy... I was in so much pain from the ultrasound tech pushing down that it was a little hard for me to get the full effect of seeing the little thing.. but man was it entertaining. You have to picture a 5-6inch baby jumping in a tiny uterus. It had no where to go.. but it just kept moving around. I was glad it was only 5-6inches.... when that thing starts getting to the 10"mark.. I'm in alot of trouble! OUCH.

So things have been a little on the rocky side. I learn somethign new everyday. They havent said if having a small uterus will complicate things. I think they are afraid to tell me anymore weird news. I ask too many questions! Mainly.. Are you kidding me? :-)

So week 14 is better. Its Tuesday and I'm at work so that has to be a plus!

I'll try and update daily.. Probably wont happen... But at least weekly...


The first round was a bit rough. I was blessed with MORNING & NIGHT SICKNESS. Again, something I learned along the way. I didn't know people could have both! Crazy! So they gave me medication right away. It's seriously a miracle drug! Works like a charm. The only downfall, it dosent help the PAINS. Oh yes, not only did I do I get to have morning & night sickness. I get stretching GALORE. So far this little devil has been treating me sooooo good! NOT. The really bad pains started ON THE DATE of my 2nd Trimester. What are the odds.

The picture to the right is me at my bestest bud jackies wedding where I was.... hmmmm 6 weeks pregnant! I didn't know. Good thing I didn't drink that much! I was craving sprite most of the night! :-)

Monday, October 22, 2007

The Rocky Beginning

Lets start from the beginning:
Once upon a time there was this man and this woman... they lived in WELCH. They were a happy little couple. They went hunting, fourwheeling, tubing, all the fun things you can think of! The week before the couple went bear hunting, the woman got very ill. Ill to the point of no food or water for 3 days. The woman became dehydrated and had to go to the hospital. They pumped two bags of IV fluids and told the woman she had the nasty flu/stomach virus that was going around, and to try and keep down fluids. The woman went home to lay on the couch for the 7th day..... Two days later....
A phone call came from the Doctor's office. They had some news about the blood test they ran and wanted the woman to call back right away. This was a Friday at 5:30pm. The woman called the hospital and the DR. was no where to be found. The woman assumed they were going to tell her she failed the LYME'S DISEASE test. The nurses station took her call. She was connected with the nurse that took care of her for her hospital visit. She informed the Woman to sit down. The woman stood. The nurse said, " Well your blood test came back positive that you are pregnant." She continued, " with you situation and your disease, we are unsure if this means you are truly pregnant or if you hormones are producing HCG hormones." The woman listened. This was babble to her. The nurse continued..."we need you to come in immediately to do another blood test." The woman said, "well I'll have to come in next week, I'm going bear hunting."

And that is the beginning of the journey for Miss Kelly Otto.

To say the least, it was a huge suprise. For those of you who didnt know, I have a disease called PCOS. Its an ovarian disease that can cause inferitility. Its crazy. I get 40-50 cysts on my ovaries a month... what happens is instead of releasing eggs like everyother normal woman, every egg turned into a cyst.... it never reached that pushing through the ovary stage! So it was seriously a miracle!

I switched to Red Wing, for the fact that Cannon didnt even run a dang pregnancy test before they injected me with 3 different harsh medications during my hospital visit. The nurse asked me after the 2nd drug, did Dr. Turna run a PG test.. I said No. So my confidence in Cannon took its last toll that day!

So being that it was August 31st the friday before labor day weekend, I obviously didnt get into the Dr. Office until that following Tuesday, September4th. They ran a blood test to test the HCG levels. (pregnancy hormone) I got a call back that night saying they wanted to see me the next day for an emergency ultrasound. They weren't sure what was going on, I was unsure of what was going on... so our official ultrasound was:
September 5th....
They found the grain of rice, which to my suprise was a baby! It was crazy. I though they were joking, but there it was. Weird! They took a gander at my ovaries to find 40 some cysts on my left ovary, and 50some cysts on my right. The Ultrasound technician said the baby was going to be a persistant little bugger to make it through all the cyst folicles and get fertalized. I agreed. If it is half as stubborn as me, its definatley going to be and ULTIMATE FIGHTER! :-)

More to come.......